I have lived in Frimley Green for 20 years, and I have worked in many industries from defence to healthcare, leading innovation and change.

I live with my partner Inta, her 17 year old daughter, and the 3 children we became Special Guardians to aged 11,12 and 20. The youngest attend Frimley CofE/Tomlinscote School and the eldest is an apprentice at Direct Line.

I’m a Director/Trustee of national charity Family Rights Group, and a member of their Kinship Panel. I am a member of the Social Work – People with Lived Experience (PLE) team at Kingston University. I am Trustee of The Family Support Group, a local charity supporting kinhsip and foster carers. 

I founded a mental-health start-up in 2013, focused on remediating the effects of childhood trauma.

Get in touch with me…

If you have issues, questions or suggestions you would like to discuss please get in touch.

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