Surrey Heath Borough Council (SHBC) looks after the following services.
I’ve included links to the relevant part of the SHBC website:
- Building control, i.e. ensuring that developments comply with Building Regulations
- Business rates
- Community services
- Community alarms
- Community transport
- GPS location service
- Meals at home
- Windle Valley Centre in Bagshot for older residents, including the Saturday Club
- Social Prescribing
- Collecting Council Tax, of which 11p in the £ collected is retained by SHBC for services. The remaining 89p goes to Surrey County Council (75p), Surrey Police (13p) and local Parishes (1p).
- Promoting economic development, including the redevelopment of Camberley Town Centre
- Environmental health and safety
- Dogs: Dog Warden Service, Report a Stray Dog, Lost Dog Collection, Dog Fouling, Barking Dogs, Walk this Way
- Environmental Crime: Fly Tipping, Fly Posting, Graffiti Removal, Littering, Offences and Fines, Untaxed and Abandoned Vehicles
- Food Safety
- Health & Safety enforcement
- Noise, Nuisance and Pollution
- Pest Control (chargeable service)
- Street Cleaning, including:
- Litter & Street Sweeping
- Cleaning up Dog Fouling & emptying a Dog Waste Bin
- Graffiti Removal
- Removing a Dead Animal from the Highway
- Overflowing Recycling Bank
- Using SHBC for events
- Family support
- Household waste and recycling collection. Check your bin days here.
- Housing benefit
- Affordable and social housing, including management of the Housing Register
- Licensing, e.g. of taxis, pubs/restaurants and off-licences
- Planning and development control
- Off-street Parking (car parks) and parking enforecement (tickets) for these car parks
- Parks and leisure facilities (e.g. Frimley Lodge Park, Frimley Green Recreation Ground)
- Surrey Heath Museum in The Square, Camberley
- Camberley Theatre
Which services come under Surrey County Council (SCC)?
- My ability to help with SCC services is limited, but I will try to signpost you and/or refer you to my colleague Paul Deach, Frimley Green’s Surrey County Councillor.SCC are responsible for:
- Schools and learning
- Roads and transport; this includes:
- Road maintenance, including potholes
- Pavements and dropped kerbs
- Street lighting
- On-street parking and enforcement
- Blue badges
- Buses
- Road safety, including speed limits and crossings
- Sustainable driving
- Cycling and walking
- Surrey Fire and `Rescue Service
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