Michael Gove Beefs up Social Housing Regulation


Thanks to Cllr Trefor Hogg for much of the background material on this post. It's well worth subscribing to his newsletter here. He describes entrenched attitides within the dominant local social housing provider, Accent Housing, that don't treat social housing tenants with the respect they deserve or give them the service that they deserve. Michael [...]

Michael Gove Beefs up Social Housing Regulation2024-02-25T20:26:03+00:00

GP Services in Frimley Green


What's going on with GP services in Frimley Green ? Tonight I attended the Frimley Green Mytchett & Deepcut Society AGM, where Dr Richard de Ferrars and his colleague Dr Maria Birtchnell presented on the past, present and future of Bartlett Group Practice. I thought it was very brave of them. The headline on the [...]

GP Services in Frimley Green2023-05-22T23:44:07+00:00

NHS Crisis – What’s the Solution? Part 1


NHS Crisis - what is the solution? I’ve posted before that the NHS crisis is not due to lack of investment, a false message propagated by some, including the local Lib Dems. See details here of the ‘fake news’ and how NHS investment has increased by more than twice as much as the alleged ‘lies’ [...]

NHS Crisis – What’s the Solution? Part 12023-01-03T01:22:01+00:00

Public Sector Reform


Jeremy Hunt's Book on NHS Interesting to see that ex Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is publishing a book on the need to reform the NHS. I totally agree with his conclusions on the problems with so-called professionals being unable to admit mistakes: I have three other observations/questions: This issue is not limited to the NHS. [...]

Public Sector Reform2022-07-03T20:42:52+00:00
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