Michael Gove Beefs up Social Housing Regulation


Thanks to Cllr Trefor Hogg for much of the background material on this post. It's well worth subscribing to his newsletter here. He describes entrenched attitides within the dominant local social housing provider, Accent Housing, that don't treat social housing tenants with the respect they deserve or give them the service that they deserve. Michael [...]

Michael Gove Beefs up Social Housing Regulation2024-02-25T20:26:03+00:00

Hypocrisy on Wharf Road Car Park?


As you will see from my other post, the current SHBC administration plan to introduce significant changes in Surrey Heath's car parks. When the previous adminstration (that I was part of) proposed introducing changes at Wharf Road Car Park in Frimley Green, after some thought, I supported the changes. Whilst it was free all day [...]

Hypocrisy on Wharf Road Car Park?2024-01-29T23:14:23+00:00

Fact Check – Frimley Green Pre-School Councillor Grants


What Grants Have Councillors Given to Frimley Green Pre-School? I am writing this independently, but I am drawing on information I have as a Trustee/Director of the charity that runs Frimley Green Pre-School at the Community Centre on Balmoral Drive, Frimley. Frimley Green Pre-School suffered some vandalism Friday night. A message went out on [...]

Fact Check – Frimley Green Pre-School Councillor Grants2023-06-18T21:15:58+00:00

Fact Check – GP Funding


Fact-Check Political leaflets are not subject to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) requirements that adverts are legal, decent, honest and truthful. But you can check out the Facts here. If you get any leaflets with statements or allegations you doubt, send them over and I will gladly Fact-Check them for you. FACT-CHECK SUMMARY Claim: In [...]

Fact Check – GP Funding2023-06-06T22:07:16+00:00

Fact Check : “Tory Councillor Says No To Hospital Improvements”


Today a leaflet was distributed with this headline. The Councillor under attack was me. As a member of the SHBC Planning Committee, I voted against an application to ADD a four-storey patient services building to the Frimley site before traffic issues were addressed. Details of the application are here. A diagram of location is here. [...]

Fact Check : “Tory Councillor Says No To Hospital Improvements”2023-05-21T15:33:57+00:00

Fact Check – ‘Losses’ on Shopping Centre


Fact-Check Political leaflets are not subject to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) requirements that adverts are legal, decent, honest and truthful. But you can check out the Facts here. If you get any leaflets with statements or allegations you doubt, send them over and I will gladly Fact-Check them for you. FACT-CHECK SUMMARY Claim: 'The [...]

Fact Check – ‘Losses’ on Shopping Centre2023-11-26T13:15:18+00:00

Fact-Check – Unaudited Surrey Heath Borough Council Accounts


Fact-Check Political leaflets and social media posts are not subject to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) requirements that adverts are legal, decent, honest and truthful. But you can check out the Facts here. If you get any leaflets with statements or allegations you doubt, send them over and I will gladly Fact-Check them for you. [...]

Fact-Check – Unaudited Surrey Heath Borough Council Accounts2023-02-23T19:16:51+00:00

The Challenges of Planning: Part 2 – Where to Build?


Welcome to the second in a series of posts about Planning and the challenges of Planning. It began as an exercise to educate myself about the Planning system and all it's quirks, but I soon realised that residents might appreciate my sharing the insights I had gathered. I hope it will enable residents to [...]

The Challenges of Planning: Part 2 – Where to Build?2022-12-08T12:20:04+00:00

The Challenges of Planning: Part 1 – Continuous Growth


Welcome to the first in a series of posts about Planning and the challenges of Planning. It began as an exercise to educate myself about the Planning system and all it's quirks, but I soon realised that residents might appreciate my sharing the insights I had gathered. I hope it will enable residents to [...]

The Challenges of Planning: Part 1 – Continuous Growth2022-12-08T13:08:46+00:00
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