What Kemi really brings to the Party – update


What Kemi really brings to the Party - an update It seems like some vote-lending scheming by Tory MPs resulted in a shock result on the two-candidate shortlist that the Conservative Party membership will get to choose from. As Katy Balls from the Spectator explains here (might not be free), and discusses with Cindy Lu [...]

What Kemi really brings to the Party – update2024-10-11T21:14:54+00:00

What Kemi really brings to the Party


What Kemi really brings to the Party Research shows that you need a certain perspective to turn organisations around; you need to appreciate complexity and be able to cope with and manage your way around complexity. The Conservative Party is undoubtably a turnaround project. I resigned as Chairman of Surrey Heath Conservative Association following Michael [...]

What Kemi really brings to the Party2024-09-23T21:12:56+00:00

Michael Gove Beefs up Social Housing Regulation


Thanks to Cllr Trefor Hogg for much of the background material on this post. It's well worth subscribing to his newsletter here. He describes entrenched attitides within the dominant local social housing provider, Accent Housing, that don't treat social housing tenants with the respect they deserve or give them the service that they deserve. Michael [...]

Michael Gove Beefs up Social Housing Regulation2024-02-25T20:26:03+00:00

Hypocrisy on Wharf Road Car Park?


As you will see from my other post, the current SHBC administration plan to introduce significant changes in Surrey Heath's car parks. When the previous adminstration (that I was part of) proposed introducing changes at Wharf Road Car Park in Frimley Green, after some thought, I supported the changes. Whilst it was free all day [...]

Hypocrisy on Wharf Road Car Park?2024-01-29T23:14:23+00:00

Surrey Heath Parking Changes – only 30mins free Wharf Road, charging at Balmoral Drive little Tesco & Heatherside Sainsbury’s


Plans to increase parking charges across Surrey Heath 75% increase Knoll Road. Wharf Road to be reduced to 30 mins free. Parking tickets at Balmoral Drive litte Tescos & Heatherside Sainsbury's if you overstay. On February 13th Surrey Heath Borough Council''s Executive will decide whether to increase Car Park charges. They will also decide whether [...]

Surrey Heath Parking Changes – only 30mins free Wharf Road, charging at Balmoral Drive little Tesco & Heatherside Sainsbury’s2024-01-29T23:22:21+00:00

“Change” at Surrey Heath Borough Council


"Change" at Surrey Heath Borough Council We hear from residents that they don't like negative messages, but they like to be informed of the facts. The Liberal Democrats were elected on a platform of change - "Demand Better". Their messaging majored on how much better they would lead the Council on the issues of the [...]

“Change” at Surrey Heath Borough Council2023-05-30T23:56:21+00:00

GP Services in Frimley Green


What's going on with GP services in Frimley Green ? Tonight I attended the Frimley Green Mytchett & Deepcut Society AGM, where Dr Richard de Ferrars and his colleague Dr Maria Birtchnell presented on the past, present and future of Bartlett Group Practice. I thought it was very brave of them. The headline on the [...]

GP Services in Frimley Green2023-05-22T23:44:07+00:00

Sturt Road Flood Alleviation Scheme


Sturt Road Flood Alleviation Scheme Thanks to the relationships I have developed with Network Rail quizzing and meeting them on their proposals for The Hatches level crossing, I was able to get a lot of additional detail on the various issues and initiatives. And guess what? There's a lot more to it than getting Surrey [...]

Sturt Road Flood Alleviation Scheme2023-05-21T17:49:27+00:00

Fact Check : “Tory Councillor Says No To Hospital Improvements”


Today a leaflet was distributed with this headline. The Councillor under attack was me. As a member of the SHBC Planning Committee, I voted against an application to ADD a four-storey patient services building to the Frimley site before traffic issues were addressed. Details of the application are here. A diagram of location is here. [...]

Fact Check : “Tory Councillor Says No To Hospital Improvements”2023-05-21T15:33:57+00:00
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